Saturday, February 14, 2009

Dye Pack - Criminal Justice

A dye pack is a device used by banks to foil bank robbers non-violently.
Banks put dye packs in money given up during robberies. The dye pack is an incendiary device that explodes in a shower of colored ink (usually Disperse Red 9), and sometimes tear gas, intended to permanently stain the stolen money and the robber's hands with a bright red color. Before the pack is used, it is stored next to a magnetic plate that keeps the pack dormant. When it is removed from the magnetic plate to be put into a money bag, it becomes armed. Within the pack is a small radio receiver that receives a signal sent by a transmitter at the door. This activates a timer that causes the pack to explode some short time later, such as when the criminal is in his getaway car.


  1. It's interesting--the different methods man has developed to deter bank robbery, people still try to steal. What are they thinking, since some know that dye packs are being used and rendering the money useless, they still go ahead and take their chances at thievery and getting caught,thus, going to jail.

  2. Thats really cool... a great advance in technology. I have never heard about it before. I guess its kind of like the ink things they put on clothing but more discreet. It would be cool if they had a tracking device on the packs though.

  3. Wow this is crazy i never heard of this before either. I wonder how many banks use these. If there not commonly used i wonder why they arent. It seems like a pretty good idea. I wonder if robbers have found a way to remove the dye somehow.

  4. This anti theft device has moved from banks to clothing stores as well. When i used to work for Dick's Sporting Goods i would sometimes get returns with the exploded ink all over a product. Unfortunately rules are rules and if a there was no receipt then the product was not replenished to the customer.

  5. That's really interesting, whoever came up with that. It's a really good idea to do something that is going to catch the robber without anything violent

  6. That's a really good idea. I've seen these on clothes, but never knew they had them for money as well

  7. that is great. i had never heard of that until now. great idea, now we can actually catch these losers red handed. haha.

  8. I think this techology is great! The person robbing the bank thinks yeah look I just got away with a whole bunch of money he he...only to find out...when they open up the bag all the money is now worthless! It's a great idea!

  9. This is a great method of protection when dealing with thieves. A robber would be caught on the getaway easily. After being blinded by the dye pack, he is an easy pick-off. The permanent dye on the money makes it impossible to spend without raising suspicion. The dye on the robber’s hands makes him easy to spot. The thief in question has no choice but to accept the money as given or set it off and be caught there. This overall keeps the branch healthy and operable to the benefit of its customers. Another good policy is to have a divider tall enough for a clerk to hide his/her hands to push a silent alarm unnoticed.

  10. I've heard of this, but only on the Discovery Health channel. Sounds useful, though.

  11. The only time I've heard about dye packs being used are in the malls on clothes. But this is also pretty neat. Just when the robber thinks he gets away scot free, BAM, the ink pack goes off and the money can't be used. I love it when crooks get fooled.

  12. Very smart invention! I'm not sure if they are still used today. It's a great idea to hid something in with the one they robbers want...the money. I would think by now they may have come up with a small enough tracking device to hid in there though
