Sunday, April 19, 2009

Nurse Launches Program to Ensure No Patient Dies Alone

By Debra Wood, RN, contributor

Ideally, people will pass from life to death surrounded by loved ones or a nurse but, often times, patients lack friends and family willing or able to stay with them. And nurses are often too busy these days to sit with a terminally ill patient. In an effort to ensure that patients make the journey in the presence of a caring person, a number of hospitals around the country have launched No One Dies Alone or compassionate companion programs. “It’s extremely important to patients,” said Lori Caldwell, RN, BSN, an occupational health nurse and a No One Dies Alone volunteer at Mission Hospital in Mission Viejo, California. “A lot of us involved in the program sense this as a moment in a person’s existence that is best to be with someone, even if it’s a stranger. It’s someone who cares. Nursing staff would love to be at the bedside continuously during the dying experience but, time wise, often can’t. We are volunteers who step into that role.” Mission began its program in 2007. The volunteers, many from the hospital’s spiritual care service but also from other departments, stay three or four hours with the dying person and may play soft music or hold the patient’s hand. “It’s a very unique experience for everyone,” said Caldwell, describing it as moving for the volunteer. “Those of us who volunteer have a sense we can assist people and be there during those moments.” The volunteers receive eight weeks of training about the need for self-awareness when working with dying individuals and families, the impact of cultural factors, individual needs as death approaches, spiritual issues and advanced directives. They commit to meet with the patient at least weekly through the course of the person’s illness or until family members arrive. The hospital offers the volunteers ongoing support and meets with them on a regular basis.

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For this Program to be available in the future to everyone would make the idea of dying especially alone less scary for those facing death.


  1. this is very touching and an excellent idea. My heart breaks for people who die alone. It really is ashame. I could never do that to any of my family members. Im glad these nurses have come up with this idea, excellent idea.

  2. that is awsome, thats is volunteering at its best. There are plenty of epopel dying without loved one and the fact that someone might care can make them go, maybe, even more peacfully./

  3. this is really touching. It is a truly good idea. I would hate to be dieing and spending my last days in the hospital completely alone.

  4. I would def do this. I mean there are so many people that die alone. It's so sad. A few weeks ago there was an article in the courier about a young man who was in a nursing home and was all alone. No one came to visit him.. it was so sad!

  5. Great post, and what a good idea. This is an example of a service no technology will ever replace.

  6. Agreed. What a thoughtful idea. I like the fact that the volunteers will spend time with the patient during their illness and not just at their moment of death.

  7. I think this would be great! There are so many people dying alone for all sorts of reasons. I couldnt imagine being in my last moments of life a lone. It's also great that people are volunteering to do this as well.

  8. Great idea, no one should die alone. I dont think i would volunteer for something like this but the people that do are cool people.

  9. this is great but i wonder how many people will have family members that they don't see will take advantage and figure that there will be a nurse there so why bother i know that would be sad but people are strange creatures

  10. This really is an awesome thing to have around. the volunteers that would take a hold of this job are really miracle workers in helping people at that stage in their life.

  11. Well it is a great program. I, being interested in nursing, would lvoe to see this program implemented into homes and hospitals. I can see how technology may eventually play a role though with the ability to creat streaming live media in the patents room with a progector or a holographic image!

  12. really nice program thats being put together. I would hate the idea of dying alone and not having anybody at my side. It's a very thoughtfull program.
