Monday, March 23, 2009

Present Fingerprinting Technology

EMBs using Automatic Finger Identification Systems (AFIS)
Automated fingerprint identification is the process of automatically matching one or many unknown fingerprints against a database of known and unknown prints. Automated fingerprint identification systems are primarily used by law enforcement agencies for criminal identification initiatives, the most important of which include identifying a person suspected of committing a crime or linking a suspect to other unsolved crimes.
Automated fingerprint verification is a closely-related technique used in applications such as attendance and access control systems. On a technical level, verification systems verify a claimed identity (a user might claim to be John by presenting his PIN or ID card and verify his identity using his fingerprint), whereas identification systems determine identity based solely on fingerprints.
With greater frequency in recent years, automated fingerprint identification systems have been used in large scale civil identification projects. The chief purpose of a civil fingerprint identifications system is to prevent multiple enrollments in an electoral, welfare, driver licensing, or similar system. Another benefit of a civil fingerprint identifications system is its use in background checks for job applicants for highly sensitive posts and educational personnel who have close contact with children.


  1. You learn about this stuff on CSI, sometimes I really dont think the world is as advanced as CSI is. But finger printing now is much more complex-but still simple at the same time.

  2. Im glad that they have technology to do finger printing now a days instead of ink. Ink is a pain at getting off your fingers. I agree with laura i think csi makes the world seem alot more advanced then the way things really are.

  3. This was interesting to read. Technolgy is probably becoming a necessity for finger printing, too....Just like it is for so many other things. I bet it's also more accurate.

  4. they dont use ink anymore...they got this wet screne that scans your pints with a computer. its kinda cool seeing it work. i mean what else did i you have to look forward to when you get arested?

  5. everyone thinks that figer printing is a new technology, it isn't its only new to crime solving

  6. Fingerprinting is such a cool thing to fight crime. Everyone's is different so its completely legitimate in busting criminals who leave it all over a crime scene.

  7. I was always hazy on how this technology works, I am amazed by it, to think that every person on the planet has his or her mark. And to think, that you or I are in a database that knows that it is in fact me just by finger.
