Monday, March 23, 2009

Present Police Vehicles

Lt. Joseph M. Panus demonstrates wide range of enforcement features that mobile computer terminals will provide in all 200 patrol cars in Buffalo, giving instant access to crime data, as well as tracking of police vehicles.
Harry Scull Jr./Buffalo News
Mobile computers give police instant information on motorists. A mere swipe of the bar code on your driver’s license and up pops your prior traffic convictions for officers to view on their mobile computer terminal.
Electronic eyeballs, fixed to the patrol car hood, can read five license plates a second and interact with Albany’s computers to let the officer know whether your wheels are a “steal.” In addition, all 200 of the Buffalo Police Department’s patrol cars will soon be equipped with “pucks” that beam signals to global positioning satellites, which track patrol car locations at all times. Police administrators are looking into a combination of state and local funds to help pay for the changes.
By turning patrol cars into rolling desktops with increased connectivity to the Internet, crime and accident reports can be filed directly from the scene, rather than waiting until a civilian report technician can enter the information into the computer system, said systems support analyst Jim Kaufmann.
Elimination of the paper reports also can mean quicker review by police supervisors and crime analysts who can identify and address crime hot spots and trends with stepped-up enforcement.


  1. This is great. This will really help law enforcement a great deal. Knowing where the squad cars are at all times is a good way to keep track of these officers if they are having trouble with during a call. Being able to get instant information on people they have pulled over will only help to protect them. Many officers have died during routine traffic stops, knowing who they have pulled over before getting out their car, can only help protect them. It also should make a routine traffic stop quicker, it's less time for them to stand on the side of the road, close to oncoming traffic.

  2. I agree this is a fantastic idea. The more information a police officer can have at his figure tips the better off. With the "pucks" I feel that this should be a necessity, god forbid an officer getting hurt in the line of duty they will know exactly where the officer is.

  3. This is a huge benefit for police officers, definitely helps them a lot. It just makes me laugh because we cant even talk on the phone and cops have computers in their cars. Nothing against cops, my dad is one. It's not a bad thing, i just think its funny.

  4. The government is definitely on track with updating there systems to obtain better information and process paperwork faster. Less the paper work more Officers on the streets where they are needed. Great Post!

  5. This is good, I feel safe knowing that police have all of this equipment, because if my car ever got stolen, they would be able to track it down pretty easily, and when they catch criminals, its a quicker process than all of the paper work they previously had to fill out.

  6. this is an awesome idea! I mean you see on tv the cops that put their life on the line just getting out of the car. I mean, with click you can check to see if the car was stolen, not only that but check for prior convictions. You can determine if you need help before you even get out to walk to the car. Plus if something happens dispatch will always know where the officer is.

  7. One other benefit to real time recording of events at a crime scene or an accident is accuracy. This would serve to further ensure that justice is served and that only criminals go to jail. Whenever I see the bar being raised in law enforcement however, I imagine the "bad guys" raise the bar to out-smart the new technology.

  8. I've actually seen these before in the police vehicles of my township. I think that this is a great piece of technology for the police force, especially if someone is trying to get away and you can't make out the license plate number.

  9. The new police cars are definitely becoming state-of-the-art. Police need as much technology as possible to make their jobs easier. It is not easy fighting crime with just a vehicle and a radio. They need more!

  10. what ever helps the law enforcement do thier job is good for the world. THats why these types of technology are great.

  11. This is great for officers. It could help with response time if one of them are in a harmful situation.

  12. Cop cars are so high tech, its awesome. I want one of those laptop stands for my car!
